Seminar: Toolkit for Santa's Helpers

Advent of Code '22, Day 7

This problem is a noticeable step up in difficulty from previous days. While beginner and self-taught programmers may have found success earlier in the season through sheer determination, without some guidance they are likely to struggle with day 7. This post introduces a couple tools and techniques that ought to make solving easier.

The problem asks solvers to parse the log from a terminal session, which includes cd and ls commands, and determine the total size of directories, including their subdirectories.

Example output

$ cd /
$ ls
dir a
100 z.txt
$ cd a
$ ls
200 y.txt

In this example, directory / contains one directory: a, and one file: z.txt, which is 100 bytes in size. Directory /a contains one file: y.txt, which is 200 bytes in size. Therefore, /a has a total size of 200 bytes, and / has a total size of 100 + 200 = 300 bytes.

Exercise 1: track the directory

Let's create some terminal input that only contains cd commands.

cd /
cd a
cd b
cd ..
cd c
cd d
cd ..
cd ..
cd ..
cd e

Exercise: Write down the current fully-qualified (e.g. /a/b instead of just b) working directory at each step.

Solution: (hover to view)


It's likely that writing this out by hand was easy. Do you know how to write a program to do it?

Exercise: Try to write a short program that reads the input and prints the fully-qualified directory at each step.

Don't spend more than 20 minutes on this. If you want a hint, or you're ready to move on, Click here.